- A Trust for Humanity

As a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Amplicon© is continuously putting together – health camps and awareness programs in rural India. It has conducted several Immunization camps towards the mission – “Elimination of Hepatitis-B towards Hepatitis-B free world” and has published reports on many journals.

Amplicon Foundation A Trust for humanity is a Public Charitable Trust and non-profit organization (NPO) by nature. Today in this 21st century with miles becoming shorter and time becoming faster, the care for a human being by a fellow human being remains a challenge. Thus we have endeavoured into the formation of the Trust with a dream of utilizing our technical supremacy to deliver quality services with holistic humane approach. The hall mark is to render services projecting with Indian values and promoting the greatness of human being. Trustees of Amplicon Foundation would like to bring exuberant experience to create a new culture of innovation, flexibility, progressiveness and vibrancy for the development of the society in Public interest. We at Amplicon create facilities – provide the amenities to encourage the under privileged to meet challenges in their own strides. The object is to “Reach the Unreached” and provide these facilities to those for whom this was a dream. The primary objectives of the Trust shall be towards philanthropy and social well-being in public interest and for the development of the society, especially towards under privileged public or of common goals to serve i.e., Charity, Education, Vocational trainings, Healthcare & Diagnostics with State-of-the-art technology & awareness for quality control, Medicine, Relief, Environment Protection with Cleanliness, Food, Clothing, Orphans & Street children care, & promotion for women empowerment.