Metagenome or environmental sample from FERN rhizosphere of Indian Sunderbans

Identifiers: BioSample: SAMN06606462; Sample name: ISRAa16; SRA: SRS2062634

Metagenome or environmental sample from root metagenome

Identifiers:BioSample: SAMN06209718; Sample name: OS04; SRA: SRS1948687

Metagenome or environmental sample from root metagenome

Identifiers:BioSample: SAMN06209694; Sample name: OS01; SRA: SRS1946070

Apart from the above we have two more plant based transcriptome analyses which is continuing for the past six months. The transcriptome library of Bael (Aegele marmelos) has been already submitted in NCBI – SRA and is currently awaiting curation. The transcriptome library of Mango (Mangifera indica) will also be made available soon. Both these projects are in collaboration with Dr. Mitu De, Department of Botany, Gurudas College and Dr. Santi Ranjan De, Department of Zoology, Rammohan College, Kolkata.